Joonito's Blog

Great Resources for Preparing Interview

Preparing for interview is hard. But here are some good stuffs to prepare for interview! Generic Coding Interview University link This is a great resource for preparing interview. It covers eve...

Websites for Practicing Competitive Programming

Codeforces codforces.com Probably the biggest one among competitive programming websites. There are two ways to solve problem. Find the constest, join and solve the problem. Solve past con...

Great Resources for Learning Git

Git is hard. But here are some good stuffs to learn Git! Learn Git Branching learngitbranching.js.org This material helps you learn git branching with colorful diagrams. One of the reason why gi...

Great Resources for Learning Computer Science

This post aims to gather great resources for learning Computer Science. I will keep update this post as soon as I found a new good one. Teach Yourself CS teachyourselfcs.com Every Programmer Sh...

Writing a New Post

This post will guide you how to write a post on Chirpy theme. Even if you have previous experience with Jekyll, this article is worth reading, because many features require specific variables to be...